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      Nepal-Trekking round Manaslu

      1 th. Day: from Arughat Bazar to the little village of Armala

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      google earth manaslu treck o3 P300
      During the first days the trek is leading through a very narrow valley which I call the big gorge . The picture is from Google Earth

      on our first trekking day we started to go along the Buddhi Gandaki river, which we will follow the next 10 days. unfortunately the weather was rather misty.


n05-01 armala hh 01 P0250 In Arughat bazar you can find many shops selling daily goods. Being the last village on the road it is the spot for whole- and retail salers. Families from the upper valley will come a few times in the year to Arughat to buy what ever they can not get in their village. A shopping tour which can take up to 10 days! After crossing the bridge we were on the western side of Buddhi Gandaki.

But we were not the only on, crossing this bridge.



n05-01 armala hh 02 P0250n05-01 armala hh 03 P0250


manaslu 2005 adr 011 P0250 The west part is the older part of Arughat, and at the end there was the first Nepali staircase. No wonder that the road did not continue here.




n05-01 armala hps 01 P0300 So after Arughat we were walking in luxurious green on a large trail. Lining on the trail many little huts offer atea, drinks or some goods. But progress is obvious as you can see on the picture every hut has its own solar panel and in most of them a little television was showing Hindi films.


The valley is in the beginning still large, but whis every houre we walked it was getting more narrow.


manaslu 2005 adr 018 P0300 manaslu 2005 adr 021 P0300

n05-00 anfahrt hh10p 0300n05-01 armala hh 04 P0300


manaslu 2005 adr 015 P0250n05-01 armala hh 30 P0250


n05-01 armala hps 03 P0300 A tipical litte village on the way with the “chautari” . There porters can deposit their load for a little break or people can sit in the shadow of the big pipal and banjan tree to have a little chat.






manaslu 2005 adr 014 P0300 Many of the houses were decorated with little pictures.






n05-01 armala hh 07 P0300 Sometimes we passed bigger villages which were nearly shopping malls.

One could buy clothes , musik and all household goods. So people can spare a half day walking to Arughat on their shopping tour.





manaslu 2005 adr 020 P0300 Even at the end of November temperatures reached 25-27°C and we were sweating a lot. My friends went down to the river for a little swim.

As soon that they were on the river, children came down to look what they are doing so they did not dare to take out their clothes



n05-01 armala hps 04 P0250 n05-01 armala hps 09 P0250


n05-01 armala hps 10 P0250 n05-01 armala hps 07 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 18 P0300 In the afternoon we arrived at the first very long suspensionmanaslu 2005 adr 023 P0300 bridge. While we al run to it the porters complained to Bachan that they were tied and that we have been walking already longer than organised tours do.

We did not mind, as it was also our first day and so we decided to stop in Armala


n05-01 armala hh 20 P0300In05-01 armala hh 26 P0300


n05-01 armala hh 24 P0300

The little village of Armala is build on top of a huge rock wall, surely higher than 100 m. So it is pretty dangerous to go out in the night





n05-01 armala hh 34 P0300 At the first glance, the lodge was just a normal private house with no sign at all. But they use to feed travellers and in the first floor they had a room with a few beds in it. This kind of private, very basic tee house remembered me very much of my first trek in 1981 on the Manang side and i must admitted that these nostalgic thoughts were rather pleasant. .

The kitchen is situated in the little annex. This did not hep much, as in the next morning all the smoke directly found it’s way right into our sleeping room



manaslu 05 mj 02 armala03 P0300 Ghopal was mainly carrying the kitchen goods like a big stove pots, a 5 litre teapot and the Kerosine.

The diddy had brewed a very tasty chang (local beer) which is a little bit fruity and sweet. It tastes a little bit like English ale.





In the kitchen

n05-01 armala hh 42 P0250n05-01 armala hh 44 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 49 P0250n05-01 armala hh 06 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 45 P0250 On the first day we are still pretty clean and well shaved.

After having a tasty daal bhat we started to joke and sing some songs.

The diddy asked us, if we would like to have hear some local music, the village woman group would like to come sing in the evening expecting a little donation. Sure that we agreed on the spot, as Hans had it’s birthday the very day.

this was around 5 PM and then nothing happened. My friends quickly drunk al the beer from Armala so a child was send to an other village to get more while I was drinking chang with the porters.

 Hans’s birthday party

Soon after sunset more and more people from the other villagers were coming an they had a little drum with them. Beer, Chang and Roksi flowed like water and soon the first songs started.

in the beginning just the children danced but then young girls and our porters joined them. At the end even the old mothers danced like in younger days. The party went on till 11 PM which is really late for rural Nepal. But we also added hour per hour some rupees on the donation.


n05-01 armala hh 50 P0250n05-01 armala hh 58 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 56 P0250n05-01 armala hh 59 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 63 P0250n05-01 armala hh 67 P0250


n05-01 armala hh 72 P0250n05-01 armala hh 65 P0250

Happy birthday for Hans

n05-01 armala hh 71 P0250n05-01 armala hh 38 P0250


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Photos: the pictures of the Manaslu pages are from me and my friends. You can see the respective photographer in the filename of the photo: HH = Hans Henninger, HPS = Hans-Peter Stupp, MJ = Manfred Jeckel and AdR = Andrées de Ruiter

For the search engines, Trekking in Nepal, A travelogue of the Manaslu trek, Round Manaslu, Pictures of Manaslu trekking, Photos of Manaslu trek , Trekking in Nepal - round Manaslu , Armala